Colter Command Center is a “customizable” data acquisition system that aims to monitor and control specific targeting points for better field analysis of completion programs.

Colter Command Center gives you immediate visibility of operation-critical data and is recorded every second with Alert policy warnings set by User(s) for better site controls. This safety feature allows for better site awareness as well as the reduction of manpower, which results in lower operational costs.
Reporting, Alerting, and Custom Dashboards give important situational awareness of your operational-essential equipment. Decrease on-site radio chatter, prevent downtime, and increase security and safety.
Colter Command Center allows the user to set/input specific parameters for data systems updated via Cloud sharing to record and maintain efficiencies – unlike other data gathering systems. Having the ability to set “specific” parameters allows the user to customize, follow, record all pertinent data the client is after.
Colter Command Center is capable of interfacing through a number of sensors and recording data at multiple points simultaneously, such as Pressures, Flow Meters, Water, Oil, and Gas Flow Rates, Temperature, Level Sensors, Sirens, and Cameras.